Place your company above the competition with NICET IB-PSC certified technicians
With the NICET IB-PSC being the only ERCES/ERRCS certification that can be independently validated and is widely accepted by AHJs, it makes sense to pursue this certification for technicians and designers of in-building public safety coverage solutions. NICET has been the standard for fire alarm and fire sprinkler solutions, so it's a natural for IB-PSC solutions as well.
Mike Brownson, the managing editor and one of the principal authors of the Complete ERCES Handbook, is offering two-day hands-on ERCES/ERRCS installer classes. These training events are designed to provide technicians with best practices for the testing, installation and commissioning of IB-PSC solutions and to prepare technicians for the NICET IB-PSC technician levels 1 and 2 exams.
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