The ARCS Model VC121N Radio Amplification Unit (RAU) is a slim, abbreviated design with sleek aesthetics designed for midrise buildings. This model fits well in ever-shrinking city footprints and small spaces. It features a state-of-the-art touchscreen for interactive alarm condition monitoring, TAIT TB9100 dual channel repeater with P25 capability, dual-mode AC/DC operation and remote Dedicated Radio Console (DRC).
The VC121N radio amplification unit (RAU) is a NEMA 4 rated cabinet Auxiliary Radio Communication System (ARCS) that houses the key components of the ARC System. This includes a radio repeater, combiner/duplexer, power supply, sealed lead acid batteries, and data acquisition and monitoring unit. This system requires a 110V 20A direct line with a dedicated service switch and connects directly to the DRC (dedicated radio console CMD-V1) with (2) CAT 5 cables, one for data/power and one for voice.
Some of the many features are:
• NEMA 4 enclosure, non ferrous with red powder coat, front door with a 3 point locking system, locks via FDNY padlocks.
• NEMA 4 mechanical venting.
• TAIT TB9100 dual channel repeater with P25 capability, dual mode operation, smart AC/DC operation, from 5 to 25 watt transmit power. • Cavity combiner/band pass duplexer, 100W output.
• 120V to 24V 20A UL Listed power supply with UPS unit, NFPA 72 test function, fully compliant to NFPA 1221 alarm requirements, battery polarity protection.
• Power distribution unit with surge protection and a 15A resettable circuit breaker and 1800 joule surge suppressor, active monitoring for ground, surge, and power.
• Data acquisition unit which constantly monitors all system parameters, internet capable for remote monitoring, building management capable for integration into an existing system.
• Antenna and cable monitor accurately monitors antenna and cable system VSWR levels, measures small changes in antenna VSWR with high feeder and interface losses. (up to a 10Db cable loss) System initiates a self test once every 24 hours.
• (2) x 75Ah 12V sealed lead acid batteries for 24H reserve power, 6 hour full use power backup.
• 6 dry contact outputs, for inter-connection to any fire alarm panel (supervisory signals).
• Touch screen built-in to RAU cabinet for local monitoring of alarm conditions, in addition to the remote DRC.
• NYC Fire Department key switches to activate channel 11 and channel 12 in the RAU, for ease of maintenance, and for redundancy to the DRC. Submittal VC 121N
• Power Supply is UL Listed, and fully NFPA 1221 alarms compliant. All components are UL Listed
For more information, visit: https://www.marconitech.com/products/